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  • MELT Candle Family Set of 4
  • MELT Candle Family Set of 4
  • MELT Candle Family Set of 4
  • MELT Candle Family Set of 4
  • MELT Candle Family Set of 4
  • MELT Candle Family Set of 4
  • MELT Candle Family Set of 4
  • MELT Candle Family Set of 4

MELT Candle Family Set of 4

$102.00 Regular Price
$91.80Sale Price

Rose: Greet the morning with Rose by your side. Imagine the world awash in soft sunlight, the scent of morning dew, and the chirping melodies of birds heralding a fresh start. It's that exhilarating feeling of a new day beckoning, filled with possibilities. With Rose, we wish you mornings that inspire, invigorate, and set the tone for beautiful days ahead.


Olivia: Ah, the gentle hush of afternoon! With Olivia, we invite you to embrace the serene moments that dot the midday lull. Picture yourself by a sunlit window, a cup of your favorite tea in hand, and a cherished book awaiting your attention. Olivia is our nod to those quiet afternoons when time seems to stand still, urging you to pause, reflect, and simply be.


Sandy: As dusk approaches, there's a palpable shift—a gentle transition into the warmth and embrace of evening. Sandy is our tribute to these heartwarming moments, where the air is filled with laughter, the aroma of home-cooked meals, and the comforting presence of loved ones. It's about celebrating togetherness, creating memories, and cherishing the bonds that make life truly rich.


Scarlet: And as the day gracefully concludes, we invite you to find solace in the calming embrace of Scarlet. This candle embodies the quietude of nightfall, the gentle hum of bedtime rituals, and the promise of restorative sleep. It's a gentle reminder to let go, to surrender to the tranquility, and to prepare for a new day with a heart unburdened.

  • Experience serenity with our soy wax candles, meticulously infused with carefully selected scents to soothe your space.

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